Trustworthy Maintenance Service for Webflow Websites

Simple hourly pricing
Fast turn-around
Cancel any time
A website with a picture of a woman on the screen.


Content Updates

Regularly updating and adding new content, such as text, images, and videos, to keep the website fresh and relevant. This includes not only updating existing content but also creating new pages and sections to accommodate evolving needs and enhance user engagement.

Performance Optimization

Constantly monitoring and fine-tuning the website's performance to ensure swift, seamless loading times and efficient operation, guaranteeing an exceptional user experience.

Bug Fixes

Identifying and addressing any technical issues, glitches, or bugs that may arise on the website.

SEO Optimization

Implementing and maintaining search engine optimization (SEO) practices to improve the website's visibility in search engine results.

Analytics and Reporting

Setting up and analyzing website traffic and user behavior data to make informed decisions about content and functionality improvements.

User Experience Enhancements

Making improvements to the website's design, navigation, and user interface to enhance the overall user experience.


Three Reasons to Make Us Your Business Ally

We are an extension of your team

We're invested in your success as if it were our own. Your objectives are our objectives, and your challenges are ours to tackle. Whether it's supporting your decisions or challenging them when necessary, we bring our expertise to the table because we genuinely care.

We work closely with your internal team to understand your business goals, brand identity, and target audience.

Support and guidance you receive are tailored to your unique needs.

We seamlessly integrate into your workflow, adapting to your preferred communication channels, project management tools, and processes.

Fast turn-around & clear communication

We are committed to delivering results promptly and efficiently. We believe in keeping you informed every step of the way, providing regular updates, progress reports, and transparent discussions, about project status, challenges, and opportunities.

Responsive support team, ready to address your inquiries, concerns, and requests in a timely manner.

Our processes are streamlined, and our workflows are highly efficient. With years spent perfecting them, you can now reap the benefits.

We leverage the latest tools, technologies, and methodologies to optimize our operations and minimize delays.

Proven expertise at every touchpoint

Every member of our team is not just an expert in their field; they're also passionate about what they do. You can be sure that your project is in the hands of dedicated professionals who are committed to delivering excellence.

We prioritize continuous learning, ensuring that every team member remains at the forefront of their respective fields.

The team is encouraged to work together seamlessly, leveraging each other's strengths to provide comprehensive solutions.

The team takes a proactive approach, anticipating challenges and identifying opportunities.

Simple Hourly Pricing

  • Only pay for hours you use. No expiring hours.
  • $60 USD per hour, with discounted rates available for data entry.
  • All types of requests, everything you need for your website to run.
  • Cancel anytime.
A web flow maintenance timetable is displayed.

How Does it Work?

Streamlined process, seamless experience. Discover how our Webflow Maintenance Service works.

Kickoff & Customization

We begin with an initial meeting to understand your unique needs and preferences, followed by contract signing and seamless integration into your workflows.

Dedicated Project Manager

Upon agreement, a dedicated project manager is assigned to serve as your primary point of contact, ensuring clear communication and effective coordination throughout the process.

Streamlined Requests & Evaluation

Your team submits requests to the project manager in an agreed format. The project manager carefully evaluates each request, providing estimates and timelines as needed, and ensures tasks are completed accurately and on time.

Transparent Billing & Reporting

Twice a month, your accounting department receives an invoice detailing hours worked, accompanied by a comprehensive timesheet outlining the breakdown of tasks completed.

Transparent Billing & Reporting

Twice a month, your accounting department receives an invoice detailing hours worked, accompanied by a comprehensive timesheet outlining the breakdown of tasks completed.


Three Reasons to Make Us Your Business Ally

Why Opt for Us Over an In-House Employee

Enjoy the flexibility to scale up or down effortlessly, without the constraints of traditional employment. Our streamlined processes and dedicated project management ensure projects stay on track and within budget, while saving on recruitment and overhead costs. Experience cost-effectiveness without compromising quality, and cultivate success with our trusted team by your side.

  • Expertise On-Demand
  • Flexibility and Scalability
  • Cost-Effectiveness
  • Unified Team Expertise
A man holding a tennis racket in front of a woman sitting at a table.

Choosing Between Us and a Solo Freelancer

With a diverse team boasting comprehensive skill sets, we offer a breadth of expertise across various disciplines to cater to your unique needs. Unlike a solo freelancer, our reliable support network ensures consistent assistance and mitigates the risks associated with relying on a single individual.

  • Maximization of Deliverable Quality
  • Team's Accountability and Dependability
  • Deadlines are Met
  • Expectations are Exceeded
A man is writing a message on his phone.

Will It Work for You?

Ensuring the right fit is crucial. Below, discover when our Webflow Maintenance service is the perfect solution—and when it may not meet your needs.
  • YES

    You've got a dynamic marketing team crafting strategies and content, but lack the in-house web developer to bring them to life. Our Webflow maintenance service seamlessly bridges this gap, turning their ideas into reality.

  • YES

    Your focus is on product or service development, leaving little time for website upkeep. Trust us to not only sustain your website's functionality but also provide valuable guidance and advice for continuous improvement, ensuring your online presence stays robust and effective.

  • YES

    With a burgeoning website in need of constant expansion and optimization, our Webflow maintenance service is your ideal partner. Whether it's creating new landing pages or running A/B tests, we're here to support your business's upward trajectory every step of the way.

  • NO

    We don't handle advertisement campaigns directly, but we've got you covered with everything you need to prepare for a successful campaign, from website optimization to content creation.

  • NO

    Our Webflow maintenance service does not include rebranding or redesign. However, should you require these services, we offer separate solutions to meet your branding needs effectively.

Secure a Reliable Maintenance Service for Your Webflow Website


Get answers to your burning questions.

Does Webflow require maintenance?

While all websites require maintenance to stay at their best, Webflow stands out for its efficiency, often requiring less maintenance compared to websites built on other platforms. With its intuitive interface and built-in features, Webflow streamlines many maintenance tasks, saving you time and resources. Our expert maintenance service further optimizes this advantage, ensuring your Webflow website operates seamlessly with minimal upkeep.

Even a perfectly built website requires ongoing attention as it grows and evolves, including:

  • CMS usability enhancements
  • 3rd party integrations
  • New pages and features
  • SEO advice and on-page SEO improvements
  • Accessibility considerations
  • Content editing and population
My team requires Webflow training. Is it included in the maintenance service?

We're thrilled about the opportunity to share our knowledge and expertise in Webflow. Although our maintenance service covers detailed explanations and support for implemented solutions, comprehensive Webflow training is a separate offering we're delighted to provide. We're committed to ensuring your team feels confident and empowered in utilizing Webflow to its fullest extent.

If your maintenance service is hourly priced, how will I know that I stay within my budget?

Not to worry! We've devised two models to ensure budget adherence, allowing you to choose the one that suits your needs best, or even combine both for added peace of mind. The first model involves capping our services by setting a limit on the number of hours we can work per week. Alternatively, we won't start work without first receiving confirmation for the estimate provided. While smaller tasks may not require this confirmation process, for larger tasks, we prefer to provide an estimate of the required hours beforehand and proceed only upon your confirmation. This ensures transparency and helps you stay within your budget effectively.

Do you charge me anything if I don't have requests for a long period of time?

Not at all.

Our service operates on a pay-as-you-go basis. If your business experiences a lull and your website functions smoothly and performs well, it's understandable that fewer or zero requests may be submitted. However, we do offer an optional performance monitoring service. This involves analyzing website traffic and user behavior to provide improvement advice. This is a separate service and not mandatory.

What does your maintenance service not include?

Our maintenance service does not include the following: 

  • Major redesigns or rebranding
  • Content creation
  • Marketing or SEO campaigns
  • Google Ad campaigns
Is it easy to cancel?

Absolutely. Cancelling is straightforward—you can do so anytime by providing written notice. Please note that you're responsible for payment for any services rendered prior to the cancellation date.


You Are Very Close to Securing a Maintenance Service for Your Website

Upon form submission, we'll promptly contact you to gather some initial details and schedule a comprehensive project discussion at your convenience.

Karina wearing a black shirt and a gold necklace.
Karina Demirkilic
Founder, LEAD Developer
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